
5 tips to get you ahead with HubSpot Lead Scoring

Written by
Loren Phillips

HubSpot offers a lead scoring tool that can show our marketing and sales team who the relevant prospects are in our contact database automatically and at a glance! This works by assigning an appropriate value (positive or negative) to any number of actions, be it an email open/bounce, a webpage visit, button click or content download.

Sales people are empowered by lists of leads prioritised in accordance with a robust HubSpot lead scoring system. Not to mention, marketers are enabled to group leads in different lead scoring brackets so that they can be marketed to more appropriately.

Let's discover 5 ways to Start Using HubSpot Lead Scoring...

The first step to assigning value to your contacts is to first understand what interactions and information hold value for your business. We’ll take you through a few of the main categories to get you started on assigning HubSpot lead scores to your contact database.

1. Email Opens and Clicks (using HubSpot Lead Scoring)

Do you send weekly or monthly newsletters? Or, is your email marketing a bit ad hoc or campaign based? How have you segmented the lists that you are sending your emails out to? How is the content of your emails structured?

HubSpot gives marketers a granular view of email performance, from successful sends all the way down to links clicked. So in terms of lead scoring, HubSpot allows you to, for instance, give 10 points to a contact who opened an email and 20 points to a contact who click a link through to a landing page.

2. Email Bounces and Non-engagement

Assigning negative values to negative actions is just as important as positive lead scoring in HubSpot. For example, you can give -90 points if the email bounced when sent. Using HubSpot lead scoring, you can also negatively score someone who has not opened your emails in the last, say, 6 months. You can even combine email metrics using HubSpot lead scoring automation. Case in point:

If marketing emails delivered are equal to or greater than 3
Marketing emails opened is equal to 0

= -20 points

3. Key Page Views (using HubSpot Lead Scoring)

How have you structured your service and pricing pages on your website? Some page views are bound to be more valuable than others. Identify what the key pages are on your website and assign a positive value to users who have visited those. The more times they visit those key pages, the higher their score will be. Keep your HubSpot scores dynamic by creating these within a rolling date range, for example, someone who has visited your pricing page 3 times in the last two months.

Do you have a blog on your website, and do you think that someone who is reading your blog regularly should be assigned a positive score? Then, there you go. On the flip side is someone who has never been to your blog or website at all, that is a clear sign of a non-engaged contact and may warrant a negative HubSpot lead score.

4. Form Submissions

Forms are an excellent way of capturing valuable contact data that you can use in your HubSpot lead scoring strategy. Revisit how you structure your forms in terms of which fields are required at which level of the funnel, and how you use progressive profiling to understand more and more about your prospects every time they come back to your site. In terms of HubSpot lead scores, forms leading to assets that signal a clear purchase intent, for example, your product or service implementation guide, may be of more value than forms leading to more generic, top of funnel content, for example, an industry trends piece.

5. HubSpot Lead Scoring Properties

Using a CRM like HubSpot, you have access to a plethora of default or custom contact properties, like company name, industry, product interest, persona etc. And you can use these properties for the sake of HubSpot lead scoring in various ways. As a simple example, if a phone number is known - you can give that contact a higher lead score within HubSpot.

As a more in-depth example, one of your target personas may be a decision maker with a rare job title and another might be describing someone looking for a job. So when you ask your persona question, "What describes you best? and someone answers, "I'm looking for a job" - you know to give them a very low lead score, like -100 and rather direct your careers oriented campaigns towards these folks when that time comes.

Final Word on HubSpot Lead Scoring 

So there you have it, 5 easy ways that you can start using HubSpot lead scoring today to get a quick view of how engaged your contacts currently are. Make sure you customise your columns within the Contacts section of HubSpot so that you and your sales team can see at a glance who the contacts are that are ready for their first sales call.

For the complete set of juicy insights, presented visually, get your copy of our eBook linked below. It discusses exactly how we used HubSpot lead scoring as part of the automation process to improve our sales performance. 

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