
HubSpot Pricing 2024: A Guide to the Latest Pricing Updates

Written by
Luke Marthinusen

HubSpot introduced a new seat-based pricing structure across its product range on March 5, 2024, marking a significant shift in how new customers can purchase and use its services.

Aimed at offering greater flexibility, the change brings a dynamic approach to scaling services with business growth and ensures that the platform remains user-friendly and straightforward to purchase.

The new HubSpot pricing plan removes the minimum seat requirement for Sales and Service Hubs and introduces three seat types in an effort to align the purchasing process with user needs.

This means businesses can start with what they need and add services as they grow without being locked into a fixed number of seats at the outset.

Introducing the new View-Only Seat, which offers teams a cost-effective (free) way to access HubSpot features and information without the ability to edit. It provides a highly scalable way to share information within the organisation.

You can view the full pricing updates here.

Key Takeaways

  • HubSpot has launched a new, flexible pricing model that allows for easier scaling with business needs.
  • There are no minimum seat requirements for Sales and Service hubs under the new structure.
  • 'View-Only Seat' provides access without editing capabilities, broadening user options.
  • Unlimited free edit users fall away.


Webinar: Watch our webinar on the updated HubSpot pricing.




Exploring HubSpot's Updated Seat Types

HubSpot has moved to a seat-based model across all of its products with the following three seat types:

  • Core Seat: Grants editing privileges across acquired Hubs with integration into HubSpot's intelligent CRM system.
  • Sales & Service Seats: Includes core seat capabilities with extra features for sales and service.
  • View-Only Seat: Allows non-editable viewing of HubSpot's functionalities.

Key updates include:

  • Introduction of the Core Seat: Users will need a core seat to edit and utilise the full features of the purchased Hubs alongside HubSpot's Smart CRM.
  • The View-Only Seat option is released, permitting team members to view features without the ability to edit.
  • Both Sales Hub and Service Hub now have no minimum number of seats, allowing businesses to tailor their subscriptions to their precise sizes and needs. Previously, the minimum seats were five on Professional and 10 on Enterprise. 
  • A single Starter core seat provides access to all five Hubs (Marketing, Sales, Service, CMS and Ops Hub)
  • Existing HubSpot clients will not experience any changes to their current billings immediately. However, they will most likely be migrated at their next renewal. 

No More Minimum Seats for Sales and Service Hubs

As of March 5, 2024, HubSpot will introduce a new seat-based pricing strategy across all levels of their offerings, which now include Starter, Professional, and Enterprise plans. This pricing update allows customers to begin with a single Core Seat across all Hubs, encapsulating a more flexible and scalable approach to acquiring HubSpot's services.

In the past, if you were a Sales Hub user and required custom objects, you needed to buy 10 x Sales Enterprise licences. Regardless, if you were a team of one. You can now buy only one licence and get all the Hub features available to Sale Hub Enterprise. 

New Sales & Service Hub Pricing Structure

Users who require sales or service seat-specific functions like forecasting, calling, automations, etc. will require seats (e.g. $100 for a Pro seat). Users who require edit access to contacts, deals, tickets, and pipelines without the sales or service seat-specific functions can utilise core licences at $45 for Pro Hubs. Users that just need view access can utilise the view-only seats. 

Tier Includes USD Additional Seats USD
Starter Per Seat $15 Per Core Seat $15
Professional Per Seat $100 Per Core Seat $45
Enterprise Per Seat

$130 (Service)
$150 (Sales)

Per Core Seat $75


Limitations we foresee for CRM, Sales and Service Hub customers

Unlike the current Sales and Service Hub pricing structure, free users can no longer track emails or create contacts, companies, or deals. In our own business, this has implications as some of our account managers use free CRM licences.

As with most of HubSpot's pricing updates, some HubSpot clients will win, and some will lose. We are happy to advise and audit your licences. Feel free to reach out to your customer success manager.

Key takeaway: All current free users will require a view-only seat, a core seat, or a sales & service seat.


Marketing Hub Seat Allocation

The Marketing Hub in 2024 comes with an allocation of core seats, which enable users who need to access the marketing tools available. Before March 2024, Marketing Hub users had the luxury of unlimited users. 

Marketing Hub Pro includes three core seats, while the Enterprise option is equipped with five core seats. Additional core seats for marketing hubs carry individual costs on both the professional and enterprise tiers.

New Marketing Hub Pricing Structure

Tier Includes USD Additional Seats USD
Starter 1 Core Seat $15 Per Core Seat $15
Professional 3 Core Seats $890 Per Core Seat $50
Enterprise 5 Core Seats $3600 Per Core Seat $75


Edit Permissions are not included with View-Only Access

HubSpot's updated pricing includes a user type restricting users' ability to alter or add data. This level is known as the View-Only licence. This user type is free.

It offers the following characteristics:

  • Visibility: Users with view-only access can see data and reports without restrictions.
  • Restrictions: Unlike Core Seat holders, they cannot edit, modify, or add content to the HubSpot platform.
  • Cost Efficiency: This level of access is designed for team members who need insight into the system but do not contribute to content manipulation. It can help organisations cut costs.

Benefits of View-Only Access:

  • It enables larger teams to stay informed without extra expense.
  • Reduces the risks of unauthorised data manipulation.
  • Streamline management by clearly defining user roles and permissions.


HubSpot Seat and Cost Examples

Below is a combination of HubSpot seat licences for a small business using HubSpot Sales, Service and Marketing Hubs. 

Core functionality includes:

  • Pipeline and communication management
  • Forecasting and goals (For SDRs)
  • Activity tracking
  • Email and marketing campaigns
  • Social media and paid ads management
  • Website tracking and marketing reporting
  • Service ticketing and communication (email, chat, WhatsApp and more)
Role Licence Qty p/Seat $ Total $
CEO Core Seat 1 45 45
Financial Manager View Only 1 0 0
Personal Assistant Core Seat 1 45 45
Head of Marketing Marketing Pro 1 890 890
Digital Marketer Marketing Pro 1 Incl. 0
Email Marketer Marketing Pro 1 Incl. 0
Content Manager Core Seat 1 45 45
Digital Designer View Only 1 0 0
Intern View Only 1 0 0
Sales Manager Sales Seat Pro 1 90 90
Account Managers x 8 Core Seat 8 45 360
Sales Development Rep x 4 Sales Seat Pro 4 90 360
Sales Administrators x 2 Core Seat 2 45 90
Service Manager Service Seat Pro 1 90 90
Service Rep x 4 Service Seat Pro 4 90 360
Fulfilment Manager Core Seat 1 45 45
Fulfilment Agent x 4 View Only 4 0 0
  Total 34   $2420



Below is a larger sales team using HubSpot only for sales management and administration. 

Core functionality includes:

  • Pipeline and communication management
  • Forecasting and goals
  • Activity tracking
Role Licence Qty p/Seat $ Total $
CEO Core Seat 1 45 45
Financial Manager View Only 1 0 0
Sales Director x 1 Core Seat 1 45 45
Sales Managers x 3 Core Seat 3 45 135
Business Development Rep x 18 Sales Seat Pro 18 90 1620
Sales Development Rep x 8 Sales Seat Pro 8 90 720
Sales Administrators x 3 Core Seat 3 45 135
  Total 35   $2700

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the updates to the free tools?

Free tools will now include a 5x Free Core Seat limit with unlimited view-only seats.

2. What are the updates to the Starter tools?

A single price per user ($15) provides access to all five hubs (Marketing, Sales, Service, CMS, and Ops Hub). The previous pricing was $45 for 2 users. 

3. I'm an existing customer; do I need to worry?

As a current Hubspot customer, you don't need to be concerned about immediate changes. The new seat-based pricing model initially affects only new customers, so there won't be any immediate impact on existing customers like yourself. 

My own view is that all users will be required to adopt the new pricing model at their next contract renewal. 

4. Can I mix and match Pro and Enterprise seats in the same Hub?

No. All seats in a Hub (e.g. Sales Hub) need to be the same tier (e.g. Pro). However, you can have a Sales Hub Pro and Service Hub Enterprise licences in the same HubSpot portal.

Remember, however, that core seats are priced at the highest hub tier in your portal. E.g. You have Marketing Hub Professional and require an extra core seat for a marketing manager. However, you also have Sales Hub Enterprise seat. You can only purchase Enterprise core seats for your marketing team member. 

5. Price Variations for Marketing Contacts in HubSpot

At this point, there is no indication that marketing contact costs will change. 

6. Possibility of Negotiating HubSpot Service Costs

While HubSpot has established pricing for its licences, there is potential for cost variation based on company-specific requirements. It may be feasible for businesses to discuss their needs with HubSpot reps to explore custom solutions, possibly affecting the overall pricing.

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