
Email Disclaimer

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Confidentiality & Disclaimer

The content of the email received, including any attachments, is confidential and privileged. It is only intended for the recipient, an individual, or an entity. You cannot disclose, copy, distribute, or use the email if you’re not the right recipient.

If you believe the email is an error, send us a follow-up email so we can update our records. After that, delete this email along with any backups or duplicates. Thank you for your cooperation.

The sender has taken reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in the email. However, MO Agency does not make any representations about the completeness, suitability, or adequacy of the information provided. Hence, no duty of care is owed, and the sender accepts no liability for omissions or negligent misstatements. Therefore, the recipient must exercise their judgement or seek appropriate professional advice before acting on any information provided.

The sender has taken reasonable precautions to prevent viruses, spam, spoofing, and phishing in this email. MO Agency's email servers are managed by Google Workspaces, which uses 3 email standards to help prevent spoofing and phishing: Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC). However, MO Agency accepts no liability for loss or damage from this email. Please check for viruses, spoofing, spam, and potential phishing scams before actioning anything, clicking on links or downloading attachments.

Data privacy is governed by our privacy policy, which can be accessed here.


Sustainable growth with Digital Marketing, HubSpot, CRM and data driven strategies.


South Africa

1st Floor, Hyde Gate,
Hyde Park Lane
Hyde Park,


2nd Floor, Spaces,
1 Bridgeway,
Bridgeways Precinct
Century City,
Cape Town

United Kingdom

2nd Floor, Spaces
60 St Martin’s Ln,
Covent Garden,