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Digital Marketing

5 Inbound Marketing Basics your Tech Company Should Already be Doing

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Buyer personas “Technology” refers to such a wide variety of products and services that there is no one-size-fits-all buyer persona that can be applied across the board. New technology and innovations often stem from the need to solve a specific problem for a very specific group of people. This is the basis of everything coming out of R&D, but unfortunately, this doesn’t always get carried into marketing. This means that a specific solution is being sold to a broad audience because marketing

Easy to Use Marketing Automation Software

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What makes marketing automation software easy to use? 1. It's Intuitive When choosing a marketing automation platform, it should be intuitive for new users. As there are so many features within marketing automation tools, understanding how to use each feature and how they all fit together is vital for a successful automated marketing campaign. 2. It's Well-documented As is often said, if it's important, get it in writing. Documented software is good software. If the software you've chosen for marketing automation has a knowledge base, wiki, or
Digital Marketing

4 reasons technology companies are choosing inbound marketing

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1. Inbound marketing is a holistic digital marketing approach. Digital marketing has numerous touchpoints - blogs, websites, PPC, social media and videos. Individually, each platform can produce okay results, but when they're combined, the marketing results are beautiful. Inbound marketing brings your digital elements together into a cohesive strategy designed to generate leads and convert leads into customers. Find out how inbound marketing works. 2. Inbound marketing was

What is HubSpot Inbound Marketing

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What is HubSpot Inbound Marketing? Inbound marketing centres on the philosophy that the content you create should provide value and build trust with your leads before trying to sell them anything. The idea behind this is that you're going to engage your leads through attractive content. Through further interaction with them, the goal is to delight them and build a relationship with them, The reason that you'll hear people refer to inbound marketing as "HubSpot inbound marketing" is
Digital Marketing

What are SMART goals?

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SMART Goals are the cornerstone of inbound marketing and sales strategy. It's spoken about a lot by HubSpot, and it's crucial to understand what SMART goals are and why we need to set them. Why do you need SMART goals? SMART goals ensure that what you're trying to achieve is doable and relevant to your business. The SMART methodology forces you to think about your goaland take the right steps to achieving it. The SMART goals definition SMART
Digital Marketing

7 Ways to Spot an Inbound Marketing Campaign

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Spot the inbound marketing campaign Inbound marketing campaigns can be identified by checking to see if they follow these characteristics: 1. Everything is online, but it's all about helping real people solve real problems. Inbound marketing lives in the digital sphere, but everything is driven by helping people overcome their pain points. While an inbound marketing campaign lives on a website and relies on social media channels, landing pages and content marketing to work, nothing will
Digital Marketing

5 Steps to develop an inbound marketing strategy

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1. Work out your SMART goal Every good campaign needs to start with a goal in mind, and every good goal starts with SMART rules. A SMART goal is: Specific: Do you know exactly what you're trying to achieve? Measurable: Is there a specific metric you have which allows you to measure the success of your goals? Attainable: Make sure your goal is realistic and in proportion to your current performance, budget, workload and timeline. Relevant: Does your goal make sense to you and
Digital Marketing

Inbound marketing vs content marketing: what's the difference?

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Inbound marketing is not the same as content marketing While they're quite similar, think of content marketing as a stepping stone of inbound marketing. Both rely on creating high-quality content and distributing it online, but inbound marketing is an entire methodology that uses content in everything: from your marketing strategy, through to how you close deals, and provide service to
Sales Enablement

5 Reasons your 'Small Company' Needs a CRM

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Did you know customer relationship management system (CRM) is the fastest-growing software on the market today? By 2025, revenues in the industry are expected to reach more than $80 billion. A CRM system is crucial when it comes to organising your customer database, across all departments within your company; from marketing, to sales, to services. Any company, small and big, can certainly benefit from an effective CRM, as it tracks and manages the
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